Friends of the Kayaderosseras 17th Annual Meeting was held on March 15, 2021 at 7:00pm via video conference, and included a growing range of subjects as we sturdily move forward with our mission to promote and protect the creek as a recreational and scenic resource in Saratoga County.
Guest Speaker:
Mark Kugler, Stream Technician | Otsego County Soil & Water Conservation District & former Fisheries Technician for NYSDEC’s Central Office
Mark is a resource scientist and obtained his degree in Fisheries & Aquaculture from SUNY Cobleskill. His pursuit of fish-related objectives began at a young age on the Kayaderosseras Creek. He is an avid catch and release fly angler who has fished all over the Northeast, and author’s industry related conservation articles. His presentation to our group was centered on the absolute importance of trout habitat improvement being the most prudent option for producing long-lasting impacts to promote sustainable fish populations. This requires dedication, patience, and an understanding of the connection between land and water. Mark respects and applauds the members of the FoK for their steady endeavors over the last 17 years, and we truly appreciate his addressing us this year.
Kay D. Ross “Cow Trophy Award” Presentation:
The 2020-2021 Cow Trophy Award was presented to Mr. Norm Bovee by last year’s recipient Boy Scout Troop 4011 in Saratoga. FoK recognized Norm for his exceptional volunteerism to the organization. We would like to thank him again for his hard work, dedication, support, and sharing of equipment!
Defenders of the Kayaderosseras Exalted Sword Recipient:
Buddy Glastetter was recognized for his dedicated efforts for many years as the Treasurer for FoK and was presented the “Defenders of the Kayaderosseras Exalted Sword” by Blue Neils. Buddy truly has kept us organized for many, many years and leaves a legacy of perfectly organized reports to pass on. The organization truly appreciates your unwavering time and support in the past, and we hope your future “waivers” include waves to us in the future. Thank you!
UPDATE: Axe Factory Preserve
With the Spring weather allowing needed access to the Axe Factory Preserve, now owned and managed by the FoK, we will continue to develop trails, and improve public access and awareness.
UPDATE: FoK Logo Design
A new logo, designed by Joe Acee, Director of Recreation for FoK, was introduced. This updated graphic of the Great Blue Heron on the waters edge allows for use in a variety of ways for signage & markers at our programs, trails, and sites (physical and online). Thank you Joe for the newly scaled version of our great-feathered friend.
2021 FoK Slate of Officers
During the Annual Meeting we elected this year’s slate of officers. We are happy to announce the following slate:
- Josh Ness | President
- Eric Anderson | Vice President
- Kris Neddo | Secretary
- Andrew Sheridan | Treasurer
- Kate Gawrys | Director of Communication
- Joe Acee | Director of Conservation
- Rich Bashant | Director of Recreational Access
- Julie McDonough | Director of Education & Outreach
We all look forward to doing everything we can to fulfill our mission during this busy upcoming year. If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding the direction of the FoK and their mission, please do not hesitate to reach out to us! We hope to see many new faces this year at our events as we continue to grow. Thank you!