Friends of the Kayaderosseras was established to protect the Kayaderosseras creek and its watershed for purposes of conservation, education, and recreation. Our mission is to promote awareness, appreciation and action to protect the creek, its tributaries and its watershed both as a habitat for wildlife and as an inspiring resource for residents and visitors in surrounding communities. This awareness should include cultivating an appreciation of the history of the creek as experienced by diverse peoples (including, for example, the indigenous peoples whose given name the creek continues to bear, the laborers in the mill-powered Civil War-era industrial complexes along the creek, and the legal plaintiffs seeking relief from upstream pollutants), how the creeks, wildlife and associated landscapes have changed over time, and how actions in the present-day incarnations of surrounding communities (neighbors, villages, towns, and the capital region) determine the near-future of this marvelous resource. Stakeholders – past, present and future – may approach the creek with perspectives informed by their economic circumstances, cultural traditions, ethnicity, gender, physical capabilities, and philosophies. The desired outcomes from Friends of the Kayaderosseras should include a variety of individuals actualizing a sense of responsibility and purpose as it relates to the creek. Our goal is that anyone should be able to discover both elements of themselves and the unfamiliar in this natural setting, that everyone feels both motivated and empowered to take responsibility for the creek, and that we collaborate to help one another navigate any obstacles to that participation.
- Partnership: Work with other groups, watershed landowners and users of the Kaydeross in both the public and private sectors in partnership to promote public access for low-impact recreational uses of the creek.
- Conservation: Improve water quality and aquatic habitat by reducing erosion and sedimentation, pollution, and littering within the watershed.
- Stewardship: Foster a sense of individual and municipal stewardship for this valuable natural resource through education, communication, and program coordination.

President: Joe Acee
Vice President: Todd Duthaler
Secretary: Open
Treasurer: Michelle Tetu
Committee Chairpersons
Recreational Access: Eric Anderson
Administration Services: Tim Walz
Communications: Angela Iacolucci
Conservation: Josh Ness
Education and Outreach: Julie McDonough
Park Stewards
Boice Family Park: Loren Grimm
Gray’s Crossing: Richard Bashant
Driscoll Road Landing: Ron Leveille
Kelley Park: Mike Tower
Cottrell-Harrington Park: Margaret Kinosian
Blodgett Park: Dave Guarino
Axe Factory Preserve: Eric Andersen
Board Member Bios
President: Joe Acee
My family and I have been residents of Ballston Spa for over 16 years, and we have enjoyed the Kayaderosseras as a part of our community life. As a Designer/Art Director at Fingerpaint in Saratoga Springs, philanthropy is a big part of the company culture. Those experiences have inspired me to get involved with FOK to help fulfill the organization’s commitment to protecting this amazing natural resource.
Vice President : Todd Duthaler
Secretary: Open Position
Friends of the Kayderosseras is looking for a volunteer interested in taking on the role of the organization’s Secretary. Anyone interested can email
Treasurer: Michelle Tetu
Recreational Access: Eric Anderson
My family has lived and worked near the Kayderosseras creek since 2002, first in Ballston Spa for 14 years and now in Rock City Falls. I am a veterinarian and, along with my wife, a former co-owner of Ballston Spa Veterinary Clinic. For 20 plus years, parts of my daily dog walks have been along the creek where I have enjoyed all the beauty, peace and serenity this amazing water offers through the seasons. From the more public spaces like Kelly Park where, along with hundreds of other local volunteers, I helped build the creekside playground in 2008, to the solitude of Boice Family Park where I now take my daily dog walks, the Kayderosseras has given me and my family much joy. Please join us in our ongoing effort to protect, preserve and expand public access to this local gem.
Administration Services: Tim Walz
Living in Ballston Spa since 2004, my family and I have called the same house our home for nearly two decades. I am a Navy veteran currently employed at Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory in West Milton. Over the years, we’ve found both active and passive enjoyment of the Kayaderosseras and I recently deepened my commitment to this organization by joining the FOK Board in 2023.
Communications: Angela Iacolucci
Conservation: Josh Ness
I’ve been a teacher in the Biology department at Skidmore College since 2005. Every year – without fail – my students have appreciated the opportunity explore the natural histories of the Kayaderosseras and the forests around it.
Education and Outreach: Julie McDonough
I have been a resident of Saratoga Springs since 1982, and an active business person in various marketing & tourism roles over the years. I joined the Board in Spring of 2021 as Education & Outreach Committee Chair after learning of the opportunity from my Husband and Son, who had been heavily involved with some major cleanup efforts for the Friends over the prior decade in their leadership roles with Saratoga BSA Troop 4011. The relentless effort being made by members during the clean-ups, and their stories following each event would spark the attention of anyone who enjoys the history and progress of Saratoga County’s hardest working natural resource. In my role on the Board I am charged with sharing this progress with as many people possible, while asking for more help, so none of the years of work to preserve the K can EVER be lost. I encourage you to explore the parks we steward starting with our flagship location “Axe Factory Preserve”. You will feel as though you’ve discovered a hidden treasure, read about in history books, and previously out of reach. It’s all within our reach now and we need your support.